About Us
Desde 2003, Radical Cosmetics ha sido un proveedor líder de soluciones de envasado, desarrollo y fabricación por contrato para cosméticos de color y cuidado de la piel. Como empresa de propiedad y operación familiar, nos tomamos el tiempo para conocer a nuestros clientes y sus necesidades específicas. Todos los productos de Radical Cosmetics están ORGULLOSAMENTE HECHOS EN LOS EE. UU. en Fort Pierce, Florida.
Nos enorgullecemos de estar a la vanguardia del movimiento de belleza limpia que se está produciendo actualmente en la industria cosmética de todo el mundo. El movimiento está creciendo exponencialmente y es gracias a las comunidades conscientes de la salud que se preocupan por nuestro futuro en general. Con ingredientes no tóxicos y etiquetado transparente, nuestro objetivo es difundir el conocimiento y las ofertas de alternativas seguras para la fabricación de cosméticos.
¡Saludos desde el Estado del Sol!
We are so very excited to have you join our world of cosmetics, skincare, and beauty products. Our headquarters and manufacturing process takes place in beautiful Fort Pierce, Florida. Between our private label division and contract manufacturing, we stay quite busy. Since 2003 we’ve been doing what we love and are very proud of what we’ve accomplished thus far. There’s much more ahead and that’s what motivates us down the path of continuous improvement and growth.
Along with our new private label product launches this year, our team is also working very hard in redefining our website for a much more efficient experience for our new clients looking to enter the beauty industry. We now have a one-stop shopping cart, featuring some of our most popular private label products. For the first time in company history, we have launched a multi-digital social media presence for our customers, collaborators, and associates to engage on the latest happenings within Radical Cosmetics. It’s not all hard work in the manufacturing side of cosmetics, we actually have quite a bit of fun as well. We’re excited to share our site of the process with you.
As we roll out our new online presence, the team is ecstatic to show the products and services we’ve been providing around the world for over nineteen years. We incorporate the best of science and nature, state-of-the-art technology, and advanced scientific formulations.
¡Por el amor y el entusiasmo de hacer cosméticos, estamos deseando conectarnos y compartir nuestra pasión!